Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Boating and fishing

Boating and fishing

On sunday all of us went to Starved rock adventures some 60 miles away from our place. We rented a speed boat for 4 hours. 4 hours quicly disappeared. The weather was overcast and breezy and we felt good to be on the boat. We took our newly purchased fishing rods and tried it from the boat. It took us 1 hour to figure out how to roll back the string properly and never figured out how to cast. No matter how we tried the bait and the hook landed very near our boat. One bloody bird was also sitting there watching our adventures. Finaly after few hours we called the fishing experiment a disaster and started enjoying the boat.

We also booked a jet ski and as it happened before when Ed went with friends they said the jet ski broke down. So if you are going to Starved rock adventures and booking more than one equipment be prepared for the disappointment. I don't why they do that.

Anyway we were returning back to the dock around 6 PM the boat engine jerked and died. We learned we ran out of fuel. So we called them through our cell phone and the rescue boat came after 20 mins and put some fuel. So we went back to the dock and drove back home. The girls were hungry and started heating up the left overs from yesterday night's left overs from cheesecake factory.
We freshened up and had that food as our appetizer and headed to Naperville downtown.

The downtown was buzzing with holiday crowd. We roamed around and had food in chipotle. We had a little chat in the river walk and came back home and crashed.

On monday everybody woke up early and took the 7:30 AM train to Chicago city. We had our breakfast in corner bakery in Union station. Then KK and Megna dropped their bags in Edwin's office and went to see Sears towers and Field museum. We went to My Thai for lunch and bought the book about Tutonkhamoon for KK and Megna. Then KK and Megna came back got their bags and took the train to O'hare. In the evening came back home early and watched movie "Ponniyin Selvan".

We had very good time in the week end. The tea pot they presented to us was awesome and we both liked it so much. Tuesday being July 4th it is off for both of us and we took it easy and rested at home.


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