Monday, September 04, 2006


Today is IKEA day!!!!

We decided to go to COSTCO and IKEA after noon. Ed tried to get some sleep after the tiring Steamvac. Dhevi bathroom songs kept him awake and put him in a BAD mood. So can you imagine how the shopping was...? Good part was Schaumburg IKEA had both the Chaise and the Love seat. We bought few extra essentials:) and schedule for pickup next day.

Went to "Bamboo Garden" - a restaurant suggedted by Ed's colleague, Siva. Awesome food, we secured some food for next day's lunch too. We think it's expensive...but it's worth the $.

Monday we weren't sure if it was going to Rain. We were oscillating between going and picking it up or schedule for a home delivery. Since CLTV said we have few dry hours, we decided to give it a shot. Luckily weather god had mercy and the rain holded up until we took the packages in.

Pain of carrying it and assembling it paid of in the back rest/message the sofa gave. Kudos to people who found it.


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