Friday, July 14, 2006

Kiya Kiya

Our Taekwando classes resumed this week after a week of summer break. Dhevi has a production cycle at her work and Edwin has a major release to make before our big trip to Yellow stone. So it was a really really busy week. It is funny Dhevi keeping alarms in weird timings to check the progress of the script only to sleep peacefully without even hearing the alarms. The upside to all this is, Dhevi gets to work from home (because she cannot waste the commute time :)

Everybody beware.. Here comes the Taekwando master...(hmm Our master should see this. He will send us both out of the class)

She is now slowly started enjoying it I believe. She is comfortable with most of the basic kicks.

BTW We didn't know our blog has this many regular readers ;)


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