Sunday, October 22, 2006

Scarry pumpkins

Morning we woke up to smell pongal and coffee. We left delaware after stealing a road side emergency tool kit and pillows from there. On the way home we got some pumpkins to carve. Niha drew a scary face and her Dad carved that in one pumpkin and Dhevi carved a black cat in another for the girls.

We lit the candles in it and did another photo session.

Samyu realised we are about to leave so she became dull after trying her best to convince me to take her along. Next day morning we left PA. After reaching there was a long accusation from Samyu "Nee yen enna vittuttu poyitta...Unnakku adi kudukanum.............". Niha seems very grownup (I miss the Niha who says she loves me more than anyone else). She understands that we are there for few days and does not ask/tell anything about the trip


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