Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Work on a sunday? Yeah must be crazy

Dhevi's production work completed on Sunday early morning and she was so relieved and tired. We thought of going shopping but postponed it until after more sleep. We got up, got ready and started for yet another shopping trip. First stop was at Carson pirie scott's furniture store...uh uh...it's ok... we are better off without those. Met Ed's colleague and his two sons there. Then to Michaels, while we were looking at some shadow frame for photo/art work, Ed picked up one shadow box (Wait till we post his creation:). It's awesome). Back at home Ed started to put together his shadow box wall hanging and Dhevi off to set dinner. We are making up for all the shopping time we missed. Monday was usual, with a little headache and tiredness. After a nice Dinner we ended the day with the funny Em-Magan tamil movie.


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