Sunday, July 30, 2006

Day 8 and 9 : Trip to Rushmore and Yellow Stone National Park

Day 8 and 9 : Trip to Rushmore and Yellow Stone National Park

Here is the link to Edwin's Gallery

We planned to get everything packed by 7 and get out of YS by 8...(when does it work according to the plan). The dude who is supposed to wake us up (Kamesh) was tired and slept till 7:30 because of all the right and left turns he did in the tent according to the instructions from his GPS. After breakfast at lake house restaurant in grant village (Diane's restaurant was closed by then) we started around 11:30 AM which meant we need to drive the whole distance in one strech. Hence Photographic stops or stops for a short walk etc...are banished from then on. We took only a couple of photos on the way in pentax.

Mama followed Dhevi and asusual she got tensed and gave the wheels to ED, who was sleepy. Then again Dhevi started, after two hours she was driving on a mountain...she started to feel trouble in the good old and reliable Passat. Poor guy...he was working to his maximum to keep us cool and pulling us uphill in great speed. Ed at first didn't believe Dhevi because of her usual paranoia about vehicles. Then he sensed the problem too, after a while we pulled over and opened the hood to see the coolant boiling (We were going uphill with AC on, when the outside temp was 104 F). Amazingly the engine's temperature was normal. So we gave passat some rest. It is amazing to see even in these days there are few who are willing to lend their hands to the troubled. Atleast 4 or 5 cars stopped, enquired and offered help. We chatted with them for a while. After 45 mins we started the car and continued the journey and breaked for lunch in arrowhead motel (at 4PM), Dinner was apples again.

We stopped the car and slept in a rest area from 2-5. Then started to drive, stopping for breakfast and lunch, reached naperville around 4:45 pm on 07/30. Did the morning abloutions at 5:00PM ;) and dropped Kamesh in the airport. Then went to starbucks in O'hare oasis for a coffee (The only thing Dhevi missed in the 9 days trip).


Dhevi started a novel during the onward journney and hasn't finished it yet.

Ed got his new look and didn't reduced the pounds that he hoped to(thanks to all the nice restaurants in YS)

Not a big book fan Kamesh is about the finish a novel. Also his GPS kept telling him to Turn right and turn around when possible in the night (inside the tent).

The sheer beauty and Grandeur of yellow stone captured our hearts. We feel very happy about our decision to make the trip despite all the troubles in getting off from work, taking a long long drive etc.



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