Saturday, July 22, 2006

Day 1 : Trip to Rushmore and Yellow Stone National Park

Day 1 : Trip to Rushmore and Yellow Stone National Park

We wanted to sleep early on Friday night to be fresh for the trip. As usual we slept at 1 AM. Ed woke up Dhevi around 4:30 next day and then went pick up Kamesh from the airport. Ed and Kamesh came in around 5:45, Kamesh was all set to start the trip, to continue his sleep. We made him get ready(taking bath and all).

We loaded the car (that's a big statement - though it seems simple here :). Started around 8:30 am on 07/22, Stopped at target for ICE, and since McD was on the way we got some breakfast there. "McD and Maggi are addictive" --Sir Kamesh. The drive was good, with lot of discussions and some land slides (the back seat was packed with stuff for camping, so the person in the back seat should always be ready for blocking the falling things.

Photo (DheviEd & kamesh)Get from Ed's Laptop

We stopped at Mississippi river overview (on I-90 - this is the road we travelled for XXX miles). Dhevi got a coffee and a there was a lady with t-shirt "This is freedom" we wondered what was? -- then we saw that lady on her motorcycle....That time it did mean something:)

Stopped at Amish ovens for Lunch (hmm ask our friend for the butterscotch taste. I got better candy's in the shops near my school-Dhevi)

Ed took out his camera and lens and started his photographic tour there. There was a beautiful carriage and a lady got down from the carriage. He covered all that ;)

Next we wanted to find a Starbucks, GPS showed one in 16 miles, instead of tracing back 16 miles we thought we will find another one after few miles, even after 300 miles GPS showed us the same location told us "I'm telling you turn around when possible" in that husky voice Dhevi hated, we changed to Austin powers voice, the husky voice was far better that the next one. And the most wanted Dr.Evil's voice was not downloaded. At the next stop Ed and Kamesh took photographs of the hay rolls in the fields. And Dhevi took pictured of Ed (Next day Kamesh realised that he forgot to put the memory card in the camera :) Here's the wheels and feet that took us to yellowstone (Missing the other pair of feet).

Dinner was at Taco Jones - We were deciding between Taco Jones and pizza hut, finally decided on TJ. After the almost reverse gear accident by Dhevi, we entered TJ and consumed an excellent meal. Every dish looked and tasted yummy. Kamesh ended that day's drive.

We reached the black hills campsite around midnight, fixed the tent and went to sleep.



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