Friday, December 22, 2006

Some work some don't others well they are in transit

Ed has to go to work. Dhevi had a comp-off and she took it today. Next day was spent in arranging somethings. Suchi was taking care of chicken curry, while Palani and Dhevi fixed the reminder of crystal chandelier for the Dining room (Ed fixed 70% of it...but was not around to hang the pretty crystals...poor him). Ed came home early.
Suddenlty Aki called up to say their flight was cancelled and the airlines is not ready to arrange for a diffrent flight. After nearly two hours struggle they called up and said they will start by 7:30 pm. Hurrraaaaayyyyyy!. Dhevi and Suchi went off to buy some sheets and runners. No luck (it's written that Aki should chose them) and came home late.

Ed, Suchi and Palani went in two cars...(Well, Suchi went in the driver seat of mustang and got lost...Since we didn't want to risk the life of IL residents, Ed and Suchi switched cars). And to Akila's irritation, Ed's new walkie-talkie was used to the MAX.

Both kids arrived in pretty red coats...and went to sleep immediately. Dhevi


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